Our Pest Control Blog
The world of pests and pest control is endlessly fascinating once you scratch the surface. Check out our carefully researched articles below and let’s learn together!
Don't let mosquitoes ruin your Summer. Get the best repellents for extra coverage.
Are you struggling to get rid of ants from your Richmond, VA kitchen? View our expert tips and tricks!
Virginia’s climate and vegetation make Richmond an appealing place to live, work, and play. Because of this, the same conditions allow many different bugs, some pests and some not, to feel at home as well.
Many homeowners face termite damage to their homes and do not realize it. They often dismiss the damage and think it’s from water or other pests that do not pose a threat.
When rodents, including mice, get into your home, you need to get rid of them one way or another, or they’ll destroy your home and could make you and your family sick because of some of the diseases mice carry.
During the winter, mice and other rodents want a place to stay out of the inclement weather, too. Your home is the perfect place for them. They find a warm, dark corner to nest in, and they have plenty of food and water.
Mice are adorable, aren't they? Those cute little ears. Those twitchy little whiskers. Those big black eyes... The fanciful way they roll around in the trash and then scamper across your cutting board.
Winter pests are starting to look for a warm place to live during the cooler months. If you thought you were done with pest control now that we’re well into fall, some of these bugs are going to be very happy. Just like you, bugs want to be warm for the winter.
There is nothing worse than trying to enjoy your yard and getting bit by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of their hosts (people and animals) in order for the female to get the necessary protein she needs to develop her eggs.
In spring, it’s pretty normal to see insects buzzing around. After the cooler temperatures of winter, all the bugs that weren’t active in the winter months make their comeback. Mosquitoes, dragonflies, honeybees, hornets… they all make an appearance.